You may be exposed where one or more of the following “red flags” applies to you organisition.
- You are unsure of how to count license deployments for your Quest products.
- You do not know your license entitlement position, nor can you produce it.
- You have Quest products that are not current on maintenance support.
- You do not have full SAM coverage in your server and virtualised estate.
- You do not have a formal audit policy.
Common issues that result in large compliance findings for your organisation.
- Quest’s historic transactional license terms are littered with ambiguous definitions of how to count the licenses (e.g. Enabled User, User, Seat, CPU, etc). These will cost you.
- Server and virtualisation environment: many of Quest’s products count usage by the number of users on the server. Not having full control will cost you.
- Inactive, third party, and non-human accounts: some of Quest’s licenses count all users in the estate, including non-human and inactive accounts.
- Pirated (“Cracked”) keys: are common and your organisation could face serious charges if these types of illegal keys are found within your organisation’s IT estate.
Cunningham Solicitors has the expertise to help clients manage and control its Quest licensing and to defend against Quest audit. Give us a call today or a free consultation or email dcunningham@cunninghamsolicitors.ie
The content of this article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other advice.