Why your company needs a Shareholders’ Agreement It is true you know, it's easier to agree on issues when everyoneContinue Reading
Why your company needs a Shareholders’ Agreement It is true you know, it's easier to agree on issues when everyoneContinue Reading
What is the difference between a Copyright Assignment and a Copyright Licence? What is Copyright? Generally speaking, the creator ofContinue Reading
What is a Cease and Desist Letter and when can it be used? A cease and desist letter, to putContinue Reading
The Law There is a myriad of legislation to consider when deciding to trade online. In particular, consumers enjoy extensiveContinue Reading
Step 1 – Register/Re-register as a Company “Limited by Guarantee” For the purposes of registering as a charity with theContinue Reading
A common question when drafting a commercial contract is whether a “penalty” can be imposed where the other side commitsContinue Reading
What is Software? Most lawyers / solicitors believe that they have a good understanding of what it meant by theContinue Reading