So, you have just received an audit letter from Quest or perhaps you are in the middle of an audit. Below is a list of our top 5 tips for helping your organisation work its way through a Quest Audit.
- Agree on a baseline entitlement position
Having an accurate baseline entitlement is essential. Without an accurate entitlement report your organisation runs the risks of paying for additional licenses as part of a settlement phase that it already owns!
2. Agree the scope of the Audit
It important that an agreement is reached from the outset around Quest’s contractual rights to audit by product and geographical locations.
3. Agree on licence metric interpretation and reporting methods
Agree on how each licence metric that is in scope will be reported. For example, the treatment of server installations.
4. Agree on how old machines are treated that are no longer online
5. Clarify if Quest will apply any assumptions within the audit report
Cunningham Solicitors has the expertise to help clients manage and control its Quest licensing and to defend against Quest audits. Give us a call today for a free consultation or email dcunningham@cunninghamsolicitors.ie
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