What is a Cease and Desist Letter and when can it be used? A cease and desist letter, to putContinue Reading
What is a Cease and Desist Letter and when can it be used? A cease and desist letter, to putContinue Reading
The Law There is a myriad of legislation to consider when deciding to trade online. In particular, consumers enjoy extensiveContinue Reading
Step 1 – Register/Re-register as a Company “Limited by Guarantee” For the purposes of registering as a charity with theContinue Reading
A common question when drafting a commercial contract is whether a “penalty” can be imposed where the other side commitsContinue Reading
What is Software? Most lawyers / solicitors believe that they have a good understanding of what it meant by theContinue Reading
Certainty You need to be certain that you are not infringing an existing trademark before you sink budget time andContinue Reading
Are we not protected already? Some comfort can be taken from the fact that “unregistered trademarks” are protected under theContinue Reading
The products that Quest typically include within the scope of their audits are set out below. Each product set presentsContinue Reading
So, you have just received an audit letter from Quest or perhaps you are in the middle of an audit.Continue Reading
You may be exposed where one or more of the following “red flags” applies to you organisition. You are unsureContinue Reading